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  • Latest Paintball News

  • 5 reasons why paintball is good for you 7th June 2023

    Paintball is the new crossfit!

    When you think of paintball the majority of people think about being shot at, the bruises, and the cool overalls you get to wear.

    For one, you can totally avoid bruises by wearing combat suits and some protective layers. And honestly, shooting a paintball marker at your friends is way more fun than anyone lets on.

    We’ve uncovered a few reaso…

  • Make Your Birthday The Best Day Ever 7th June 2023

    Birthdays at Delta Force Paintball

    What’s not to love about a birthday?

    That one day of the year when it’s your chance to do something you’ve always wanted to do.

    And you get to bring your friends.

    It’s that day has you waking up smiling.

    It’s the day that you can have whatever you want for breakfast, lunch and dinner.

    I know what I’d be eat…

  • Bucks days at Delta Force Paintball 10th May 2023

    A bucks day he’ll never forget.
    It’s almost your mate’s special day.
    He’s gonna tie the knot soon.

    And you’re the man who is meant to plan the best send off possible.
    What better way to send your stag off than to dress him up and send him out with a paintball gun and a few of his best mates?
    Paintball is the perfect activity to get the boys geared up for…

  • 50 Calibre Change over at Delta Force Paintball 29th April 2023

    When Delta Force Pioneered the launch of Miniball for kids as young as 8 many years ago, our aim was to make paintballing accessible to all and to make it as safe as possible and this change is a huge step in the right direction.

    Thanks to a lot of hard work from Delta Force Paintball and the AUPBA we have successfully managed to upgrade all of our markers to the new .50 Calibre paint an…

  • Health Benefits of Paintball 6th August 2022

    Cross fit, of F45, kick boxing, they all lead to #gains.

    How do they compare to a game of action and strategy?

    Our friends over at health fitness revolution know all about getting healthy, and they’ve realised a great way to get fit and have fun: Paintball.

    Here’s what they have to say about the health benefits of paintball.

    It’s an intense game, considering th…

  • CANBERRA REOPENS! 11th November 2021

    Delta Force Paintball in Canberra has reopened!

    After several months of isolation, compulsive hand hygiene, too much Uber Eats, new download records on Netflix and trying to get our paintball fix vicariously through the latest Call of Duty iteration we are excited to announce that our Canberra centre has officially reopened.

    We welcomed our first paintball enthusiasts back to the …