
Just an average Joe playing paintball!

The vast majority of our customers are exactly that. Joes on the street. Just your typical hardworking father or mother, student, or even retiree. These people come in all shapes, sizes, and levels of fitness, and they all leave completely enthralled by the experience. It’s never been easier to go paintballing in Canberra! Delta Force Paintball in Canberra is easily accessible and offers the best game zones and equipment the industry has to offer. It is located just a quick 20-minute drive from the Canberra CBD.

Bring your family and friends to our centre for a session where you can experience a world where the average no longer exists. You are a special force on this day in history. All players are given the latest and most up-to-date safety gear, which includes a full-length body suit with protective neck padding, extra torso protection, a full head helmet, an ammunition pack, and the reason you came here… a semi-automatic paintball machine gun!

When you arrive, you will be greeted by our best paintballing experts and head into our base camp, which will serve as your headquarters for the session. It is here that the transition from civilian to soldier takes place, and you can track your team’s progress on the scoreboard as the sessions progress. Make sure you have filled out the online registration form prior to your arrival to ensure a smooth and quick check-in.

The base camp is also a good place to get away from the heat of battle and talk about the rules of engagement and tactics for your next mission. Enjoy your brought-along lunch and drinks with your friends. If you’re just playing chauffeur today, you can wait for the troops to return from combat in comfort and safety.

You can be sure that your Canberra paintball adventure will be full of adrenaline-pumping thrills and spills. You’ll play in our incredible movie-themed game zones, such as Tomb Raider, Resident Evil, and the thrilling Prison Break, which will put all players’ skills and abilities to the test.

Our friendly staff will also be on hand to referee the games and provide essential tips to help you achieve all of your session goals. Our staff is passionate about what they do because they are all paintball enthusiasts themselves. They will work hard to create excitement in the games and transform a dull crowd of average Joes into raging warriors in no time.

The best part about playing paintball with us is that no prior experience is required. The ‘average Joe’ is ideal for playing with us. It’s a great leveler because people of all fitness and skill levels can play on an equal playing field.

So, gather your friends and prepare for the most exciting experience of the year at Canberra’s best paintball center!

To find out more you can chat to one of our awesome online consultants by clicking Here.


  • Delta Force Paintballing

    *Terms & Conditions Apply.
    • Up to 6 Action packed games
    • A large selection of movie-set quality paintball game zones
    • Full head protection incorporating an anti-mist goggle system
    • Full body protection – body armour – free for all players
    • Full neck protection – combat suit with high padded collar
    • Custom designed special-forces combat suit
    • Latest USA-spec rapid-fire paintball marker
    • Hip-mounted 400-shot capacity ammo magazine (to safely carry your paintballs)
    • Tuition and supervision by friendly Delta Force marshalling staff
    • Unlimited Air refills
    • Comprehensive public liability insurance
    • Safe, friendly and professional service
  • Delta Force Paintballing

    • 550 Paintballs
    • Admission for a session
    • Equipment rental for a session
    • Air for a session
  • Delta Force Paintballing

    • 750 Paintballs
    • Admission for a session
    • Equipment rental for a session
    • Air for a session
    • Gloves
    • Groin Guard
  • Delta Force Paintballing

    • 950 Paintballs
    • Admission for a session
    • Equipment rental for a session
    • Air for a session
    • Gloves
    • Groin Guard
    • Tactical Pack
  • Delta Force Paintballing

    • 100 paintballs
  • Delta Force Paintballing

    • 1000 paintballs supplied in 10 quick reload pods
  • Delta Force Paintballing MORNING SESSION

    • Start time: 10:00
    • End time: 13:00
  • Delta Force Paintballing AFTERNOON SESSION

    • Start time: 13:30
    • End time: 16:30

* To qualify for group upgrade options all players in your group must pre-purchase one of the above group upgrade options.